lol. yeah..
i hope things will nv end and everybdy stay put at the same old place..
had my last spanish lesson today..
and it was a great one..
we had oral.. aha.. everybdy is excited on how to reply his questions..
so did i..
after hearing so many ¡Muy bien! during my oral test...
aha.. quite happy actually..
had presentation on spanish culture..
topics presented including history, food - dulce de lache, westling,
la tomatina - Tomato fights!, dance and music.
my group did dance and music.. aha..
we had a very short dance as an introduction and
AHAHAHAHHA... was in a mess.. *we only practised like nt even 1 hour.. lol.
meastro laughed.
classmates ¡Perfecto!. faint.. *cux it's really in a mess*
ah.. wore bridget's white long skirt today.. cux of the dance..
i jux can't fit well with long skirts.. cux i'm short..
so.. u will nv see me in long skirts! lol.
and.. after presentation..
ah.. *i wish this moment will not happen*.
we seperate our ways.. HAIX..
anyhow.. i really enjoyed the class.
brought camera to school but eventually.. it was low bat.. can't even switch it on..
how sad..
well well.. i looked forward to the "reunion" as teacher told us
he has his mum food receipe and could one day ask us out to taste it..
so.. let's jux wait..
All Projects presentation DOWN!!
had Bcomm and FIT on Wednesday..
hee hee..
FIT presentation; BANKERs'!! lol
RANdom.. lolx.


EMERINE!! long time nv see her la.. lol..
Met up with MOM colleages to have a singing session last saturday..
Choon leng asked me to go.. and the rest didn't knw abt it..
and he told me he introduced me as his mystery female friend..
and when i reached at liang court; party world.. aha.. they were surprised. lol.
surprisingly MAX was there as he looks like those will not come out kind..
and wow.. his singing amaze me.. OMG!!
ok.. he's my idol now.. lolx.
then after singing i walked around liang court and went to crystalbella; chinatown to meet musicliques for reunion dinner.. lolx
we had MA LA steamboat .. nt bad eat la..
jux tat eat for too long.. very sian..
then plan was that me, yani and michelle were go home after eating..
and the plan for the rest was to watch movie at cathay..
but in the end.. ahahah..
we walked our way to Clarkquay.. *with lots of discussion on the way on where to chill..*
LIANG COURT!! - where i came from to meet them.. =.=
we had lotsa fun.. lol.. playing around.. singing randomly.. take funnie funnie photos..
had coffee and cakes..
then we took maxi cab home all together..
First to kallang, then, Ang mo kio, Yishun, Woodlands, fajar, senja, Bukit batok then Jurong.
*see facebook; Joe, for photos - too manny larx.. !! lol*
then.. back home at abt 330am.. slp.. then 5+am.. wa wa wa...
stomache!! idoit..
pain dao.. but nt that serious as the previous one after pariss..
i think should be the steamboat ba.. but now i think back.. i think is stomach *jing feng*
then faster call up zi qian.. wa.. lucky she can take over me..
owe her one man.. make it up for her one day..
ran to the toilet 4 times.. haix.. my stomache so weak nowadays..
Going over to Missy - Stephanie's house for steamboat this sat!!
our reunion dinner..
Hmm... only the girls and shi bin are confirmed.
Gef, should be can ba.. hope he dun need go back camp lo.. lol.
Leong; told him beforehand and he told me should be ok cux i told him in advance..
but now.. he told me he has to work till 8pm.. *this is call good friend* lolx.
Previous meet up for xueni's birthday, he kana diao by me.. lolx
PS: To view Xueni's birthday photos, go facebook; xueni. Too many lar..
i love marina barrage!! whole piece of sky with lotsa stars hanging and it's darm windy!!
Love you! =D